Contact Details
- 0161 881 9448
Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SW
High School
At Loreto High School we aim to provide good quality, impartial careers education, information , advice and guidance. We provide distinct opportunities based around the Gatsby Benchmarks to offer comprehensive and wide ranging opportunities for our students to develop their awareness about future careers and options thereby ensuring all our students have the best possible foundation on which to base their future plans. Loreto High School has achieved the Gold level of the Inspiring IAG Award, recognising the high quality of provision Loreto High School offers for careers education, information advice and guidance. The Inspiring IAG Award helps schools and organisations to deliver and gain recognition for good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance.
Our Careers team support students from Year 7 onwards through a range of activities, including:
Our designated careers lead for Loreto High School is Mr Chillingworth
Advice is provided via our in-house Careers Advisor Grainne Morrison. The careers interview room office is located on the second floor next to Mr Chillingworth’s office.
Students can make an appointment to see the careers advisor and parents are also invited to attend the interview. We also offer targeted support for any students who require extra help, advice and guidance, including home visits. Careers information is also advertised on the CEIAG display boards and in assemblies and formation time.
The school has it’s own Careers Enterprise Advisor, Andy Lovatt, who works closely with school in conjunction with Careers Enterprise Company. Loreto High School is also part of the Greater Manchester Careers Hub, one of only 3 school and colleges in the city of Manchester to be involved.
Loreto High School is also part of the Manchester United Foundation and is very fortunate to have access to direct business and enterprise links with Manchester United Football Club.
Students are encouraged to identify their qualities, skills and interests and explore future careers In PSHCE. lessons. They are supported as they undertake their own personal research in areas that maybe of interest to them. In Year 8 students select their GCSE option choices. We encourage students to look forward to their future life in work, offering support and advice on subject choices through our Options Evening and Y8 Careers Fair.
Students continue to be encouraged to identify their qualities, skills and interests and explore future careers. In PSHCE. lessons. Students also have the opportunity to engage in the Lionheart Challenge, a high energy and high impact Business Challenge. Our students are given a prime opportunity to learn Key Technical Business Disciplines (in Marketing, Finance, HR, Product Design etc) whilst, in tandem, gaining valuable and vital Core Enterprising and Transferrable Skills including the ability to overcome problems, team working and commitment to the task amongst many others. They also have the opportunity to take part in sessions run by ‘Barclays Lifeskills’.
All Year 10 students attend the Skills North West Event which is held each year and provides opportunities to engage with over 100 employers. Our ‘Careers and Life Skills’, held each July aims to help students prepare for the challenges of life after Loreto. We have excellent relationships with local colleges, employers and training providers and they deliver a number of informative talks and interactive sessions that seek to support our students in the decision making processes around their futures. Students are off timetable for a whole week. Enterprise events form part of this Y10 week and are run in conjunction with Manchester United Foundation ‘Meet the Business’ initiative. College Taster Days give each student the opportunity to experience college life for the day as well as sample a range of post 16 courses. Students also receive help and advice with CV writing, college applications and personal statements, employment opportunities and apprenticeships. The week culminates in a practice interview day that helps prepare students for the demands of interviews for college, apprenticeships and employment. Over 60 employers attended the Careers Fair week in July 2018 creating an inspiring backdrop to the end of Year 10 and valuable preparation for what lies ahead in Year 11.
All Year 11 students benefit from a scheduled one to one interview with our Careers Advisor in Year 11. Regular lunchtime sessions are held offering support and guidance on the college application process and applying for an Apprenticeship in Year 11. These sessions are often supported by local sixth form colleges and training providers. Students interested in Apprenticeships are supported by group sessions to register with the National Apprenticeship Service, ensure CVs are up to date and students fully understand the application process. A carousel of visiting colleges are all planned and delivered to raise students’ awareness and aspirations. Year 11 Students continue to receive support after they have left Loreto High school during the summer and thereafter if needed.
Many more opportunities take place throughout the year providing students from all year groups to experience visits to workplaces and experience further encounters with employers and providers of further and higher education. These include STEM events, the Gateways program with Manchester University , ‘Meet the business ‘ events with the Manchester United Foundation, Premier League Enterprise Challenge ,careers network lunches , The Sir Howard Bernstein Summer Project, visiting speakers from a range of business backgrounds, Diversity Day and International Women’s and Men’s Days.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary schools.
The following links offer support to students, parents and carers through the bewildering array of options and choices that they will face during their time at Loreto High School and beyond.
The link below provides details of a bursary fund available for students in particular need.
The Russell Group of universities have produced a booklet giving advice on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses as well as advice on the best choices if you don’t know what you want to study after school and need to keep your options open.
Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SW