Contact Details
- 0161 881 9448
Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SW
High School
At Loreto Chorlton we are proud to be part of an international network of Loreto schools and colleges and we will work to interpret and apply the international guidelines for Loreto Education within the context of England in the early 21st century.
Within our schools and college the story of Mary Ward will be re-interpreted to, and by, each new generation. Her vision and values will find expression in the experience offered to, and shaped by, our students, parents, staff and governors.
We are ambitious for our students not just in the context of academic excellence but also in the context of human possibilities, and as educators we will stretch hearts as well as minds.
We encourage our students to become women and men who use their gifts and talents to make a difference both globally and locally; men and women of courage, who will challenge accepted notions and modes of society when they are at odds with the values for which we stand.
We will strive rigorously for the achievement of both personal and academic excellence within learning communities that:
Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SW