E-safety policy
The e-safety policy relates to other school policies including those for ICT, bullying, control and use of images and child protection.
1 Teaching and Learning
1.1 Why the internet and digital communications are important
- The internet is an essential element of 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students with high quality internet access as part of their learning experience.
- Internet use is a part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary learning tool for staff and students.
1.2 Internet use will enhance and extend learning
- The school internet access has been designed expressly for student use and includes filtering appropriate to the age of students.
- Clear boundaries are set for the appropriate use of the internet and digital communications. Staff and students are informed of these boundaries.
- As part of the curriculum, students are educated in the effective use of the internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation.
1.3 Students are taught how to evaluate internet content
- As part of the curriculum, students are taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.
- As part of the curriculum, students are taught in the correct use of internet derived materials with respect to copyright law.
2 Managing Internet Access
2.1 Information system security
- School ICT system security is reviewed continually by the Network Manager.
- Virus protection is installed on all computers and is updated as and when new releases are available.
- Security strategies are set in accordance with those set by Manchester Local Authority.
2.2 E-Mail
- Students may only use approved e-mail accounts on the school system.
- Students are instructed that they must immediately tell a member of staff if they receive an offensive email.
- In e-mail communication, students are instructed that they must not reveal their personal details or those of others, or arrange to meet anyone without specific permission.
2.3 Published content and the school website
- Staff or student personal contact information will not be published on non-restricted areas of the website.
- The school ensures that any published materials comply with copyright law.
- The Marketing Manager takes overall editorial responsibility to ensure that published content is accurate and appropriate.
2.4 Publishing students’ images and work
- Only students that have planner page signed by parents can have images and work published
2.5 Social networking and personal publishing
- The school controls access to social networking sites.
- Newsgroups are blocked unless a specific use is approved.
- Students are advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them, their friends or their location.
2.6 Managing filtering
- The school works in partnership with Manchester Local Authority to ensure that systems to protect students are reviewed and improved.
- Staff and students are instructed that if they discover an unsuitable site, they must report it to the Network manager immediately.
- The school utilises the Impero Education Pro product, this is a realtime monitoring and reporting tool designed to enforce eSafety at all times.
2.7 Managing emerging technologies
- Emerging technologies are examined for educational benefit and a risk assessment will be carried out before use in school is allowed.
- Students are not allowed to use in school any electronic device – such as mobile phones, gaming consoles, PDAs and MP3 players – without the express permission of a member of staff.
2.8 Protecting personal data
- Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made available according to the Data Protection Act 1998.
- Personal data should not be stored on portable media unless the data is encrypted.
- Pass keys should never be stored with the portable media.
3 Policy Decisions
3.1 Authorising Internet access
The school maintains a current record of all staff and all students who are granted access to school ICT systems.
Parents/guardians are asked to sign and return form giving permission for students in their care to access the school network and the internet.
3.2 Assessing risks
- The school takes all reasonable precautions to prevent access to inappropriate material. However, due to the international scale and linked nature of internet content, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a computer connected to the school network. The school cannot accept liability for any material accessed, or any consequences of internet access.
- The e-safety policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains adequate and its implementation is appropriate and effective.
3.3 Handling e-safety complaints
- Complaints of internet misuse are dealt with by a senior member of staff.
- Any complaint about staff misuse must be reported to the Head teacher.
- Complaints of a child protection nature are dealt with in accordance with the school child protection procedures.
4 Communicating e-safety
4.1 Introducing the e-safety policy to students
- E-safety rules are posted in all rooms where computers are used.
- Students are informed that network and internet use will be monitored.
- Aspects of e-safety are taught to students as part of the curriculum.
4.2 Staff and the e-safety policy
- Members of staff are given the school e-safety policy.
- Members of staff are informed that network and internet traffic can be monitored and traced to the individual user.
- Members of staff that manage filtering systems or monitor ICT are supervised by senior management and work to clear procedures for reporting issues.
4.3 Enlisting parents’ and carers’ support
- Parents’ and carers’ attention will be drawn to the school e-safety policy in a variety of ways such as in newsletters, on the school website etc.