Contact Details
- 0161 881 9448
Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SW
High School
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
Welcome to the Loreto High School learning community.
At Loreto High School we hold our pupils at the heart of everything we do and surround them with the core Loreto values of Sincerity, Truth, Joy, Freedom, Justice, Excellence and Internationality. We endeavour to become an outstanding school which stands out because our pupils achieve the very best they can in every aspect of their growth and development.
We believe in a learning culture in which every pupil is ambitious, hard working and successful. We believe in providing a nurturing, caring and happy learning environment in which pupils dare to be excellent, relish a challenge and live learning to its fullest. We believe in our pupils and we believe in the values which are the bedrock of our school.
We are fortunate to have a dedicated and forward thinking staff team who want every pupil to become the best version of themselves they can be. School leaders, teachers and support staff work tirelessly towards this goal and share the commitment of the governors to ensure that every pupil is safe, happy and successful.
We are fortunate to enjoy strong and enduring links with Loreto College, one of the finest educational institutions in the country. Our pupils are offered a seamless transfer to the College as part of the Loreto family and the links between the school and College are continuously developing. We work effectively with our partner primaries and benefit enormously from the collaboration we share with them.
All my children have been to Loreto High School and I feel privileged to play an active role in this unique learning community. It is a very special place to learn in which pupils are celebrated not only for their academic successes but also for being the people that they are.
Fiona Keenan
Loreto High School’s Governors are as follows:
Chair of Governors – Fiona Keenan
Sr. Patricia Goodstadt - Vice Chair of Governors
Fr. Peter Tierney - Foundation Governor
Matt O'Donoghue - Foundation Governor
Catherine Jones - Parent Governor
Kathleen Murray - Parent Governor
Catherine Hughes - Headteacher
Jessica Harrop - Staff Governor
Sr. Bernadette Turtle - Foundation Governor
Associate Governors: Bansa Sing-Hayer, Andy Hughes
Financial Information
Gross Salary above £100k - 1 employee
Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SW